Our Services

Birth and postpartum
doula package

We take care of you from the moment you hire us as a team throughout the childbearing year for as long as you need us. This holistic and comprehensive model of care supports you and your family in a valuable, continuous and fluid manner. We both participate in your prenatal meetings, one of us attends your birth and meets with you for a postpartum follow up a couple of days after you go home from the hospital, as we are with you every step of the way,
Our fee for our private clients is $3,088.
Alternatively, the doula who wasn’t at your birth, can come to help you with the first or second night at home, allowing you to rest and find your sea legs in the short cycles of newborn care, feeding, changing, soothing, sleeping.
Our fee for this type of care for our private clients is $3,488.